How to change UI language in Visual Studio Code?
How to change UI language in Visual Studio Code (1.0 released April 2016)?
Solution 1:
- Open VSCode
- Press F1 and type 'language'
- Choose "Configure language" in the menu
- Change the 'locale' value. See 'here' for available languages.
Example: "locale":"en-US"
- Save
- Restart vscode
Solution 2:
Since my Chinese (or whatever language this is in your screenshot) is pretty bad I describe how to set the display language to american English without using VSCode.
- Close VSCode
Open the file locale.json with a text editor (I suggest not to use VSCode).
On Windows the file is located under
On Linux it's under
On a Mac it's under
$HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User
Change the file content to
{ "locale":"en-US" }
- Open VSCode again
Solution 3:
See "Display Language"
I had trouble with this and the answer from Eric Bole-Feysot did not help as it is missing an important step.
- Open VS Code
- Press F1
- Type "configure display language"
- Select "configure display language" from the options displayed beneath the inputbox
- Change JSON to
"locale": "en-US"
- Close window and be prompted to save.
- Re-start VS code
Hope that helps.