New posts in virtualization

server virtualization: hypervisor (xen) or virtualbox?

KVM hosts to be accessible from outside world for server purpose In centos 7

Booting from virtual machine VMWAre

XenServer Performance

Is there any "Ubuntu touch" vmdk/iso for trying on VirtualBox?

Using Virtualization (vmware or virtualbox) to setup ipv6 network

What is the smallest file size Ubuntu VirtualBox image with a GUI?

How to avoid CRITICAL_STRUCTURE_CORRUPTION errors with VirtualBox inside VMWare

"kernel: Cannot read proc file system: 1 - Operation not permitted" -- millions of such messages each minute in kern.log on OpenVZ VPS? [closed]

virt-install using location with iso image no longer working

virtual_alias_domains - how to use different IP addresses when forwarding mail?

How to enable virtualization Acer aspire e1-531

iPhone virtual machine

Single server, multiple users, each with his own virtual machine

Proxmox VM Very Slow Performance

How to Dockerize windows application

Tile scenes side by side in Windows 7 as virtual machine

Failed to open a session for the virtual machine win-7

What is the Azure VM Image URN for Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS?

backup/restore ec2 instance before o.s. update