New posts in virtual-console

ubuntu vivid disrgards-console-setup after reboot

How can I record the screen (or screencast) in text mode?

How can I disable Caps Lock on text-mode (tty) terminals?

Prevent extraneous formatting of apt output

Can virtual terminals (ctrl+alt+f*) use external monitors?

Wii save data on the Wii U

How can I disable the virtual-terminal-switching shortcut keys in X?

When playing an N64 game on Wii virtual console, what is happening when the spinning N logo appears?

Is it possible to transfer Pokémon between 1st generation games on the same 3DS?

What determines which virtual console the graphical interface is run on?

How Many levels are in Super Mario World?

How does /etc/default/console-setup work?

Can the Wii take screenshots of Virtual Console games?

Help fixing virtual consoles (tty1-6) under VirtualBox

Enabling virtual consoles in Ubuntu 18.04

Output in a virtual console (tty1) ridiculously slow; possible graphics acceleration issue

Why does audio stop playing when switching to a virtual terminal?

How to recover a deleted save file in Pokemon Gold Virtual Console?

Libvirt: virsh console - no response

Shutting down the system using a virtual console