New posts in virtual-console

How to have script detect if terminal emulator is running in a desktop session or not?

Command to switch to tty1?

Exit virtual terminal

The Legend of Zelda (Original) Virtual Console can't select item to use on b!

Why do Linux systems have multiple virtual consoles?

Opening Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop on WSL2

How do I safely sell a Wii with VC games on it?

Is there a way to see the text of tty7 without shutting down Xorg?

What's the RGB values for Ubuntu's default terminal (Unity)?

How do I display Chinese/Japanese characters in a Linux VT console?

Play secret of mana or zombies ate my neighbors on wii U?

How can I distinguish a terminal window (GUI) from a console (CTRL+ALT+F3)?

Access terminal from login screen on Ubuntu 18.04

What's this repeating area in the original Zelda?

How do I get Ctrl+Left / Ctrl+Right to jump a word again in byobu?

How to exit the virtual terminal? [duplicate]

What is the process required to transfer virtual console games from the Wii to the Wii U

Enable Ctrl+Alt+F1 Virtual Consoles in GNOME (Ubuntu 17.04+)

How to exit a "virsh console" connection?

Can you get into Mario RPG's Debug Room on the Wii Virtual Console?