New posts in updates

Updating Tomtom GPS map (without a virtual box / wine solution)

Dependency errors. Sudo apt update

A repo that is making it not possible to update with sudo apt update [duplicate]

System update almost broke the system [duplicate]

What's the best way to update the linux kernel if I have no internet connection?

How can I set up Ubuntu to install updates without asking? [duplicate]

How to fix the “Unable to calculate upgrade” issue from command line when upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04?

does umake update its applications automatically?

Can't use apt: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found

How do I revert updates/tweaks to get to a usable GUI?

Failed to fetch Google Earth 32-bit

Eclipse Luna update to 4.4.1 fails in Ubuntu 14 (32-bit)

Ubuntu 16.04 update problem about third party repositories [duplicate]

Can I remove something from the update list permanently? [duplicate]

Why does Kubuntu show an update that apparently doesn't exist? / Why is my update notification incorrect?

System update misses things

problem with update of libreoffice

Two updater icons in Lubuntu 20.04

Unable to resolve ''

Cannot update Google Chrome portable