New posts in unity

Desktop Files don't seem to use $PATH correctly

Window is hidden but process is running [closed]

Unity launcher stays behind windows

Mycroft on Desktop. How?

Programs disappearing after being minimized

What customisation options are available for the new unity launcher?

Wrong window gets focus when switching workspace

Xmonad with Unity / HUD

Software Updater window not displaying, though open in 13.04

How to create & pin Unity shortcut to a specific command / shellscript

keyboard shortcut to jump to favorited-in-dock application's windows

Will it be possible to run unity compiz in virtual box or another virtual machine? [duplicate]

Why does my application behave differently with Unity?

Chrome shows two icons in Unity Launcher [duplicate]

Different colors for active/inactive Unity window title bars?

Is It possible to make workspaces in Unity act like they do in GNOME Shell?

How to return the login screen to the default

Window focus confusion in unity

Workspace Stopwatch?

Login Loop - unable to run unity - not Xauthority ownership but may be related to display?