How to return the login screen to the default

I've been experimenting with various Desktop Environments, including LXDE, XFCE, KDE.

I'm returning to Unity, and I would like my login screen back to the default for 12.04. I think that it changed when I tried KDE, probably because of an answer I gave to a prompt that I didn't understand.

Any ideas?

For getting back the default boot loading, use the following :

sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth , then choose whichever bootscreen you prefer, for default /lib/plymouth/themes/ubuntu-logo/ubuntu-logo.plymouth, afterwards run this command sudo update-initramfs -u

For the login screen, run this command : sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

Thank you for the last part of last answer:

Similar issue on 14.04 where "gdm" is again broken/no longer supported?

I was in a bind after reboot *I could no longer login to Ubuntu: NO login screen -- only a background and mouse (nothing else). Then recalled I had selected "gdm" as default for lightdm reconfiguration once (as part of a successful package installation).

Login from a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) and then enter:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm

Then selecting default "lightdm" from the TTY menu choice. I was able to restore a working login screen (and it still worked across reboot).

Basically after 12.04, never select anything but default "lightdm"... (Unless you have installed something else that you know for sure will work -- e.g. KDE)