New posts in unity

Can I use the Adwaita theme in Unity without installing GNOME shell?

How can I prevent certain directories/files from appearing in Unity's dash?

user config to limit application access

Unable to log into Unity 3D session on Ubuntu 12.04 with NVidia graphics card

How can I let Unity WebApps always run in Chromium?

Super+Space not working on Unity 17.10

Unity shows through games

Why Unity doesn't remember edge bindings settings from Compiz?

How to open a file with drag to application?

Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop Freeze

How do I remove the battery icon from top bar?

Alt + right click does not work to edit GNOME panel in Unity

No Unity 3d option on the login screen

Do any Ubuntu-based distributions ship with Unity?

How to make unity hide applications from the launcher if they're running on other desktops/workspaces? [duplicate]

Commands for Installing Unity on Ubuntu Minimal Desktop

How do I change the color of the Unity upper panel?

How to reset all gnome-tweak-tool settings to defaults

Some icons are missing after install ark theme

How to easily open the Launcher with a secondary monitor to the left