How do I remove the battery icon from top bar?

I just discovered Ubuntu a few days ago and now upgraded to 11.10.

For the battery, I don't need it at all. I have no reason to give and does not want people to tell me "that's usefull", I think we should be able to remove it easily.

Thank a lot for your help.

Solution 1:

You can remove the battery icon by removing the indicator-power package. You can do this by searching for it in the software center, or by executing this command:

sudo apt-get remove indicator-power

Then logging out and back in.

Solution 2:

The following answer hides the bluetooth indicator. If you want to hide / disable power indicator, follow this First Answer

Alt+F2 and paste the following line:

gksu nautilus /etc/xdg/autostart

Search for bluetooth-applet.desktop and bluetooth-applet-unity.desktop files and delete them (I recommend you to backup them first).

Restart and that's all.