New posts in unity

How do you change Window Control Position in the Unity Panel?

How can I ungroup applications separately in unity launcher?

How to make alt-tab diplay names of the program/window title?

How to install/start Ubuntu classic? [duplicate]

LibreOffice problem integrating with Unity

How to add shortcut to unity launcher programmatically? [duplicate]

How can I bring all windows of an application to the front?

How can I prevent Unity from grabbing keybindings (allowing an application to handle them first)?

Desktop runs very slick, animations are all fast and flawless. Moving windows around, however, is very laggy. Why?

Ubuntu 17.10 <ALT> + <SHIFT> shortcut

How do I reset my unity configuration on 15.04?

How can unity-panel-service be disabled?

ATI: No launcher or top bar in 12.10

14.04: re-enabling unity style notification in unity after xubuntu-desktop install?

How can I remove Google Chrome from Unity launcher?

Screen size and shortcuts problems on Unity after upgrade to 17.10

How does Mutter differ to Compiz in terms of its resource consumption?

How can I set that Alt-TAB to switch windows only on the current workspace?

Screen messed up when resumes from suspend

what is the best Google Calender application for unity to alert and notify you with Events?