New posts in unity-2d

How to login into Unity 2d?

How can I remove the "Dash Home" icon from the Unity launcher?

What is the difference between Unity-2D and Unity-3D?

Only show Unity launcher when left cmd/win key is pressed?

How to change the binding of Windows key which runs Unity's Dash?

Unity 2d support dropped in 12.10, what now?

What is the lightest desktop interface for ubuntu and is Unity-2d classified as a 'light' interface?

How do I get "restart" option in the shutdown menu in Unity?

Does Unity 2d use fewer system resources than Unity 3d?

How do I restart Unity 2D

How can I use Unity 2d with another window manager besides Metacity?

Which version of Unity am I running?

How can I configure "mousekeys"?

How to add multiple workspaces in Unity 2D?

How do I set the launcher to always show in Unity 2d?

Is it possible to change Unity 3D to 2D and will I gain any performance boost after that?

How to disable alt+click from moving windows in Unity 2D?

Is there a way I can completely disable workspaces and remove the icon from my Unity-2D panel?

Using Compiz by default in Unity 2D

Applications not showing in Unity Dash