New posts in uninstall

I have two versions of LibreOffice installed: how to remove the older one?

How to remove Gnome from Ubuntu Desktop 14.04

How do I uninstall Ubuntu?

How to Remove Bluetooth Manager in Xubuntu

Removing Java from OS X Lion

18.04: Bionic Beaver: Login Screen: Modify: remove all options for better security

Remove Gitlab EE from Centos7

How do I completely remove and reinstall Samba on Debian?

Ubuntu stuck in low resolution after UNinstalling / disabling NVidia drivers

How do I purge the Steam Installer?

Remove ubuntu-desktop

Corrupt Pidgin - Unable to remove

Most programs not visible in Programs and Features in windows 7

How to uninstall Latex?

Uninstalling multiple programs in Windows 7?

How to delete mysql-client

How to uninstall flux on linux?

Completely uninstall xampp if not installed from apt-get

How do I completely remove Steam or .deb file?

How can I install and remove programs in one command line, and confirm only once?