Completely uninstall xampp if not installed from apt-get

Solution 1:

This should remove XAMPP completely as they provide the uninstaller files in /opt/lampp/

 sudo chmod +x /opt/lampp/uninstall
 sudo /opt/lampp/uninstall

Then you can make sure the unistallation is complete by doing user318149's answer above. cheers

Solution 2:

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop, sudo rm -rf /opt/lampp and rm -rf ~/.lampp (Log files) did it for me. There is no Lampp/Xampp related configs/logs in ~/.cache or ~/.local/share

Solution 3:

This is the full code to uninstall lampp..

sudo /opt/lampp/lampp stop
sudo chmod +x /opt/lampp/uninstall
sudo /opt/lampp/uninstall
sudo rm -R /opt/lampp

Solution 4:

You can uninstall Xampp in ubuntu by going to terminal: Ctrl + Alt + T then type:

cd /opt/lampp
sudo ./uninstall

then you get the xampp uninstaller and you can uninstall xampp. but, there are some leftover file in the lampp folder to remove it just type in terminal:

sudo rm -r /opt/lampp

Now xampp is removed completely.