Rename files with one line command

Solution 1:

You could use rename...

rename -n 's/^[0-9]+ - //' *

Remove -n after testing to actually rename the files


  • s/old/new/ replace old with new
  • ^ start of string
  • [0-9]+ some numbers

Solution 2:

bash parameter expansion to strip off the required portion from start:

for f in *[[:blank:]]*.ogg; do echo mv -i -- "$f" "${f#[[:digit:]]*-[[:blank:]]}"; done

Expanded form:

for f in *[[:blank:]]*.ogg; do 
    echo mv -i -- "$f" "${f#[[:digit:]]*-[[:blank:]]}"

echo is for dry-running; get rid of it for actual action:

for f in *[[:blank:]]*.ogg; do mv -i -- "$f" "${f#[[:digit:]]*-[[:blank:]]}"; done


% ls -1
1 - 01 - Hoffnung.ogg
2 - 02 - Familie.ogg

% for f in *[[:blank:]]*.ogg; do mv -i -- "$f" "${f#[[:digit:]]*-[[:blank:]]}"; done 

% ls -1                                                                             
01 - Hoffnung.ogg
02 - Familie.ogg