New posts in ubuntu-9.10

Ubuntu 9.10 Only Sees 244 MB RAM, while BIOS and Windows Sees 1.5 GB

Ubuntu hangs on boot when NFS-mounting entries in /etc/fstab, but they mount cleanly otherwise

How Do I Install a Webmin Module? [closed]

Why won't Ubuntu Server 9.04 won't upgrade to 9.10?

No external sound on Ubuntu 9.10

Running gdb on Ubuntu 9.10 Apache2 Install

Did sysvconfig disappear in Ubuntu 9.10?

Can I upgrade to the new Ubuntu 10 from Ubuntu 9.10 without formatting my computer?

Ubuntu Login Screen Reloads

How do you identify a zombie process?

Grub command line opening when selecting Ubuntu

How to disable screen locking after sleep on Ubuntu 9.10?

How can I increase Ubuntu swap space?

Files in .local/share/gvfs-metadata in Ubuntu

Directories' permisions for automounted USB hard drive in Ubuntu 9.10

sendmail on ubuntu (9.10) machine "stopped" sending mail

Sync Iphone in Windows XP running as Virtualbox guest under Ubuntu 9.10

How can I stop pulseaudio from filling /var/log/messages with ratelimit.c suppressed lines under Ubuntu 9.10 [closed]

In search of a good audio player for Ubuntu 9.10

Monaco font not antialiased in some GTK apps