sendmail on ubuntu (9.10) machine "stopped" sending mail

Solution 1:

I believe that you need to change the hosts file to state:    localhost    doron-desktop

The was introduced with Ubuntu Edgy. But some applications look for the host name to match Sendmail is one such application. You can keep the if you want to stick with the new standard but be sure to add doron-desktop.

Also note the following in your error log:


After which you are told that your doron-desktop domain doesn't exist. There are different files that will allow you to set your domain name. Try setting the domain name in the following areas:

sendmail conf files

You definitely need to convince sendmail that you have a domainname and that it's FQDN (even though it's not). If you have a domain name registered use (in your hosts file):

The server won't care that public dns doesn't point to your desktop computer. That being said, email server that you send email too might (or will) care that your desktop server is sending email on behalf of whatever domain name you put in the hosts file and may either block the emails, return them, or blacklist them (blacklisting won't happen if your just testing - you'll need to send out thousands of tests).

Solution 2:

It sounds like at some point, sendmail is now checking to see if you domain is resolvable.

In that case, you can get sandmail to accept unresolvsble domains by rebuilding This involves updating with the following:


And then rebuild sendmail with the make command and restart sendmail:


Be sure to have a backup of and before you proceed.