New posts in ubuntu-12.04

Using a .vmdk file in VMware player 5.0.1

Eclipse 4.2 (Juno) 'Cannot create a server using the selected type' in Tomcat 7

Daemon dies but upstart thinks it is still running

Unable to compile any C++ Code

Printer Add button not enabled in ubuntu 12.04

Windows 8 and ubuntu 12.04 dual boot

Svn authorizing over sasl+ldap failing after Ubuntu update 10.04 -> 12.04

command not found when using sudo ulimit [closed]

trying to install pymssql on ubuntu 12.04 using pip

How to restore pam configuration?

OpenVPN connection breaks after a few seconds

OSSEC is not running

error: could not create '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/virtualenv_support': Permission denied

What is the standard ftp service of ubuntu server 12.04?

cant install fastcgi ubuntu server: Package libapache2-mod-fastcgi is not available

Using Samba for AD and file sharing

Minimize boot time on headless ubuntu

Running Cronjobs as per Local Time rather than Universal Time

a2ensite error "Site not exist" when creating virtualhost apache2 on ubuntu

Ubuntu server remote connection from Ubuntu desktop