New posts in tsc

How can I pass multiple source files to the TypeScript compiler?

Memory latency measurement with time stamp counter

Typescript noEmit use case

How to represent nested array with typescript

Can't find Typescript compiler: Command "tsc" is not valid

typescript outDir setting in tsconfig.json not working

'Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable' in unrelated files

Maintain src/ folder structure when building to dist/ folder with Typescript 3

How to consume npm modules from typescript?

How to find module "fs" in VS Code with TypeScript?

Typescript primitive types: any difference between the types "number" and "Number" (is TSC case-insensitive)?

What is the difference between these two "extends" clause?

How can I get the Typescript compiler to output the compiled js to a different directory?

'tsc command not found' in compiling typescript

How to force tsc to ignore node_modules folder?

How do you produce a .d.ts "typings" definition file from an existing JavaScript library?

Is there a way to use npm scripts to run tsc -watch && nodemon --watch?