New posts in text-editors

Multiple cursor selection on a pattern in Visual Studio Code

Light text editor for CSV file? [closed]

How do I get Google Drive to open text files with arbitrary extensions as text files?

Change default document 'edit' tool in Windows 10

How to do an inverse search in Vim? (i.e., get lines not containing pattern)

Text editor on Windows to delete large block of copyright text in multiple source files? [closed]

When I press the space bar it deletes the letters after it [duplicate]

Opening a text file at a certain line (shortcut)

Edit one file in two different buffers in emacs

Notepad++ How to copy the last x characters of every line to the end of the same line?

How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor?

Editor with muti-line search and replace

How Does One Remove Duplicate Text Lines From Files Larger Than 4GB?

Notepad++ how to extract only 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 character capital lettered Words only in a document?

Copy and paste text in midnight commander (MC) via putty in Linux

How can I edit a file if there is no vi, vim, joe, etc?

In Notepad++, how do I split long lines in several rows?

How do I do multi-line editing in Atom editor?

How can I make Sublime Text reload the file being edited?

It's All Text for Chrome?