New posts in terminology

Term for figure of speech in: 'Life is awesome, I confess'

Formally what is a mathematical construction?

Is there a specific term for the short descriptions of a movie or TV episode present in TV guides?

binomial coefficient equal to sum

What specifically does "Leet" or 1337 mean?

Stone slab covering grave

Math terminology: What are rules regarding hyphens? (Nonzero vs. non-zero)

What does a dialogue consist of? I mean, what are these constituents called?

How are certain technical words used in British English?

Is there a sequence following "ace" (as in "ace pilot")?

A concrete definition of scope in lambda calculus that can be applied to determine which variables are bound and which are free

What’s the word for when someone tells you to do something and that same person reprimands you for it? [closed]

How can "telecommuting" mean "to not commute or travel"?

A technical term to describe adjectives like "fast", "long", "strong", "large", "deep", "loud", etc

Equivalence modulo certain theory

Difference between a statement and a query in SQL

What is BM in League of Legends? [duplicate]

How can $\mathbb{R}^n$ has the same number of dimentions of $\mathbb{S}^n$?

Semantic or pragmatic ambiguity?

Is there a term for clause in a sentence that can be removed without invalidating the remainder of the sentence?