New posts in technical

Adjective of having multiple "arms" in technical/engineering context

Which one is common: "Diagnostic" or "Diagnostics"?

Is the verb "cast" in acting, metalworking and programming the same verb?

Is there a word for the particular usage of the curly brace, or a shape like it, to indicate part of a diagram?

What does 'housing dedicated' mean in context of microprocessors?

How to write when you're comparing dates [closed]

Optimisation fence [closed]

1st percentile, 2nd percentile... But how to say "2.5th" percentile?

How to denote a larger distance

Reciprocal or converse definitions

Can I grow some gratitude?

Stating That Questions Are Mostly Technical

Correct usage of "rated" and "specified"?

In/on prepositions when referring to a front or back-end (computing)

What is the word for "technical usurpation of an old word"?

Meaning of the verb "to vendor"

What does “playground” mean in an informatics educational context?

Should I use past tense or present tense when writing check-in/commit comment? [duplicate]

What’s the etymology of the word “unstable”, in the context of software?

Jig or template to hold a workpiece