New posts in tar

Copy hundreds of thousands files Mac to NAS

How can I transfer a dedicated bare metal server into a VM?

Modify $PATH while unpacking archive in Linux

How can I compress a large file into smaller parts?

Compression on tape set..but at 2.27TB..end of space

How to install a tar.bz2 package

How do untar as the current user by default?

How make a compressed tar when there are too many filenames for the shell to expand on a single line?

is it plausible that Ubuntu's wildcard * with tar is somehow failing to restore some files?

tar command to extract archive with colon in the name

CentOS 5.6 Update Version Of Tar

How to extract tar archive from stdin?

Why doesn't tar recognize .iso files, even though the documentation says it should?

Rsync to stdout?

Linux tar archive without parent structure

Does OSX 10.10.4 support LZMA compression at the individual file level (not tar files)?

rsync hack to bounce files between two unconnected servers

How to Compress/Decompress tar.gz files in java

Creating backups with tar.gz and rsync

bash workflow for operating with big number of tar.gz archives