New posts in systemd

Parsable output from systemctl (for example list all units)

How to restart service after some time?

systemd -- permanently add boot loader options (PopOs)

systemd keeps respawning pulseaudio, and doesn't allow me to stop it

How to silent a systemd service?

How can I find out when systemd schedules apt to auto-upgrade my packages?

Systemd: Tell if script was run by systemd or by user

Ubuntu mute sound when laptop lid closed

How do I disable unnecessary services without uninstalling them in Ubuntu 15.10?

Openvpn tun0 loses IP and route

tracker service running every minute

Allow a user to restart a service

How to use SIGHUP for reloading services?

Systemd .service file not working

Super confused between upstart and systemd

Arch Linux Install Cannot Enable dhcpd

Docker-ce suddenly broke - cannot reinstall, hangs in systemd service enable

Start Specific Terminal on Startup

mdadm software RAID isn't assembled at boot during initramfs stage

Using systemd for Apache environment variables or SetEnv?