tracker service running every minute

Solution 1:

The modern way to disable Tracker is found here:

  • Tracker process taking lot of CPU

Run the following command to disable tracker for the current user:

systemctl --user mask tracker-store.service tracker-miner-fs.service tracker-miner-rss.service tracker-extract.service tracker-miner-apps.service tracker-writeback.service
tracker reset --hard
sudo reboot

Interestingly the question was quite popular in 2013:

  • tracker-store and tracker-miner-fs eating up my CPU on every startup

The solution to disable it here is now outdated. Just pointing out the more things change the more they stay the same...

Solution 2:

I detected the same thing on my system, too (based upon 20.04 LTS) but I am not too worried, but you should be if you see a performance degradation. This text indexing is meant to facilitate quick searches especially in these well-known areas:


You can get an idea of how much of your content is actively indexed. Here's mine.

    $ tracker status
    Currently indexed: 590 files, 37 folders
    Remaining space on database partition: 124.1 GB (49.63%)
    All data miners are idle, indexing complete

Maybe you have a lot more files being tracked than I do, but notice how it reports that I have used 50% of the space on this drive, yet only 590 files are indexed? It's because I don't have much stored in those well-publicized directories.

The thing is text indexes once created are really cheap and quick to maintain. They are actually a type of database with an inverted B-tree structure.

Making a quick scan to see if any text needs updating is really fast, so I wouldn't be alarmed about the 1 minute frequency unless you are noticing a slowdown.

If you're having a slowdown, or don't need all your MUSIC files scanned, try creating a directory maybe AUDIO and move the files there. The tracker should ease up and not keep so busy.

Here's another source to look at if you think that a tracker reset is the thing for you.

Good luck, mondotofu