How to make an overlaid column chart in LibreOffice Calc?

I want to make a bar/column chart that looks like so: enter image description here
(credit to Matlab documentation for the image)

In my case I'm representing a snap-shot of a solution state: I have some variables and each have an associated upper-bound constraint.

Importantly my variables can actually be above their upper-bound (implying the solution state isn't constraint-abiding), hence a stacked column chart isn't a good option.

The above style has each skinny bar overlaid on-top of its corresponding wider one, which seems like the perfect solution to communicate my data. Is there a way to do this with LibreOffice Calc?

The only options I see are styles: normal, stacked, percent stacked and (3-D) deep. Each of these are a terrible visual for my problem.

I'm okay with a complicated/hacky solution if necessary, so long as the image produced looks professional - and so long as I can edit my data easily and see its changes reflected in the chart (not having to re-do a bunch of work each time).

Solution 1:

Unfortunately, Libreoffice does not support this type of graph. It will not be easy to find a solution using LO, even hacky, that would at the same time allow for a quick update when the data change.

You will probably need to look for other tools. This could likely be achieved more easily - however requiring some coding - in tools such as R-cran, GNU Octave or GNUplot.

A quick attempt on how it could work in R-cran is:
