New posts in surfaces

Cutting a Möbius strip down the middle

Points on ellipsoid with maximum Gaussian curvature/mean curvature.

Prove that:$\int_{a}^{b} f(x) dx = b \cdot f(b) - a \cdot f(a) - \int_{f(a)}^{f(b)} f^{-1}(x) dx$ [duplicate]

First and Second Fundamental Form Intuition

Is an isometric embedding of a disk determined by the boundary?

"Self-sliding" surfaces

Projection of ellipsoid

Does the Gauss-Bonnet theorem apply to non-orientable surfaces?

A non orientable closed surface cannot be embedded into $\mathbb{R}^3$

Interesting implicit surfaces in $\mathbb{R}^3$

Convex surface on which any two points $a,b$ can be joined by a curve of length $(\pi/2-\epsilon)|a-b|$

The first fundamental form to compute the lenght of a curve and the angle between tw0 curves

When does a space admit a flat metric?

Example of a fundamental polygon

Is there such thing as a "3-dimensional surface"?

How to identify surfaces of revolution

How to distinguish between walking on a sphere and walking on a torus?