New posts in support

Strange update request [duplicate]

End of Standard Support and End of Life

Iwant to upgrade my 16.04 [duplicate]

Finding out if an Ubuntu release is still supported on the command line?

Will Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus have LTS? [duplicate]

How does 24/7 support in Ubuntu Advantage work

Where can I go for live chat support?

Upgrade Ubuntu 20.10 to 21.04 [duplicate]

Why does Kubuntu and Xubuntu 16.04 LTS support end sooner than the official Ubuntu EOL date?

Donations to ubuntu? Fiscal deduction?

Software updater 16.04 not responding for a upgrade to 18.04 [duplicate]

I signed up for ESM for my Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Can I upgrade now using the Software Updater ICON

Will ESM also become available for Ubuntu 14.04?

support time of other Ubuntu LTS flavours?

which one do you recommend to install: ubuntu 20.04.3 or ubuntu 21.10

Unable to upgrade Ubuntu 16.04.7 to 18.04. No packages needing update, yet throws "Please install all available updates..." [duplicate]

How can I fix a 404 Error using the Ubuntu archives? [duplicate]

16.04 to 18.04 update failed half way [duplicate]

Installing packages to end-of-lifed Ubuntu editions? [duplicate]

Is the <blockquote> tag working correctly in ths forum? [migrated]