Where can I go for live chat support?

Solution 1:


Join #ubuntu on Libera.chat or join us in the Ask Ubuntu chat.

Ubuntu (and Linux in general) uses IRC for support and collaboration quite extensively. If you're not familiar with IRC take a look at this beginners guide. The #ubuntu channel is where ubuntu support happens, and where you will want to ask your questions.

You'll need an IRC client. I recommend hexchat which you can install with the command:

sudo apt-get install hexchat

When you open it, hexchat will ask you to input several usernames (in case your first choice is already taken):

enter image description here

Input a few usernames (or use the populated ones), select "Libera.chat" from the networks list and click "connect".

enter image description here

You're in! Now join the #ubuntu channel by typing:

/join #ubuntu 

and pressing enter. Ask your question! Be detailed and show your research. Don't be a help vampire.