New posts in supervisord

gunicorn not fully reloading after an HUP signal

Nginx: How to use docker log collector when nginx is running under supervisord

Allow all users of a group to start and stop zope using supervisorctl

Running Supervisord on a Mac

Supervisor and Environment Variables

How can I run supervisord without using root?

How to add a prefix / label for services to supervisor stdout output

How can I have Supervisor running my programs as another user?

Ansible has difficulty restarting Supervisor

Supervisor VS cronjob

Server 'unix_http_server' running without any HTTP authentication checking

Supervisor socket error issue [closed]

Managing daemons with supervisor: no foreground mode available

how to restart only certain processes using supervisorctl?

Why use `bash -c` in supervisor instead of calling script directly?

How can I configure supervisord managed program to wait X secs before attemting to restart?

supervisord: Don't start a program before another one is running

Supervisord and stdout/stderr

Supervisord inet_http_server behind nginx

Clear Directory with Salt State File