Running Supervisord on a Mac

I'm trying to get it supervisord running on my Mac. The instructions call for using a $BINDIR path variable and I can't figure out what that should be. I tried using the directory I got from $ which python, which = /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/, but when I use that I get an error:

$ /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/supervisord: No such file or directory

From the docs:

This section makes reference to a BINDIR when explaining how to run the supervisord and supervisorctl commands. This is the “bindir” directory that your Python installation has been configured with. For example, for an installation of Python installed via ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/py; make; make install, BINDIR would be /usr/local/py/bin. Python interpreters on different platforms use a different BINDIR. Look at the output of install if you can’t figure out where yours is.

Solution 1:

Have you installed supervisord yet? If not, it would be a good idea to create a virtual environment and then install into that. With a virtual environment, it doesn't matter so much where you put tools (especially when you are trying them out) and you don't get piles of conflicting libraries all installed in the same place.

If you haven't installed anything at all yet, I would suggest:

  • Homebrew to provide the base tools
  • virtualenv via brew virtualenv
  • Create a virtual environment for supervisord: virtualenv supe
  • Activate it: cd supe; . bin/activate ##note the dot, it matters
  • Install supervisord using pip: pip install supervisord