Supervisor socket error issue [closed]

Solution 1:

You have to start supervisord before you can use supervisorctl. In my case:

sudo supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
sudo supervisorctl -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

Solution 2:

If you started supervisord with a custom path, like this:

sudo supervisord -c /mypath/supervisord.conf

Then you should also start supervisorctl with the same parameter, like this:

sudo supervisorctl -c /mypath/supervisord.conf

Solution 3:

You can get this issue if you start supervisor with a relative url for -c and then try run supervisorctl from a different directory.

For example:

supervisord -c supervisord.conf
supervisorctl start someapp ## works 
cd somedirectory
supervisorctl restart someapp ## http://localhost:9001 refused connection

Solution would be to always use the absolute path. e.g.:


supervisord -c /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf


supervisord -c supervisord.conf

Solution 4:

This issue also occurs when an old vesion of supervisord.conf file is used. Newer version of supervisor uses different configuration file. The above solutions don't work. In this case you just have to regenerate the configuration file with

echo_supervisord_conf > /etc/supervisord.conf

Hope it helps someoone.

Solution 5:

please do the following :

sudo service supervisor start

post which everything is normal as b4 - there is a problem with 1b version

sudo supervisorctl reload