New posts in standards

Is there a way to access the underlying container of STL container adaptors?

Computing length of a C string at compile time. Is this really a constexpr?

Recommended website resolution (width and height)? [closed]

Why does the delete[] syntax exist in C++?

Can a conforming C implementation #define NULL to be something wacky

Hex representation of a color with alpha channel?

C++ Static member method call on class instance

Does a dot have to be escaped in a character class (square brackets) of a regular expression?

C/C++ int[] vs int* (pointers vs. array notation). What is the difference?

Set element width or height in Standards Mode

What does the SQL Standard say about usage of backtick(`)?

What is the email address format "Name <email>" called?

Why will std::sort crash if the comparison function is not as operator <?

Using Unicode in C++ source code

A most vexing parse error: constructor with no arguments

Why are there ping replies from within

Is it legal to recurse into main() in C++? [duplicate]

How to put the WebBrowser control into IE9 into standards?

Why does C++ output negative numbers when using modulo?

Proper URL forming with a query string and an anchor hashtag