New posts in sql-server

store arabic in SQL database

Getting warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation

SQL recursive query that gets all ancestors of an item

What is the most portable way to check whether a trigger exists in SQL Server?

"SELECT DISTINCT" ignores different cases

SHOW ALL Dates data between two dates; if no row exists for particular date then show zero in all columns

Execute stored procedure using entity framework [duplicate]

Parse and validate a SQL query against a database schema

select data up to a space?

SQL: How do I use parameter for TOP like in SELECT TOP @amount? [duplicate]

SQL Server User Mapping Error 15023

pecl: command not found when trying to install PHP SQL Server driver

Find a string by searching all stored procs in SQL Server Management Studio 2008

How to insert a record and return the newly created ID using a single SqlCommand?

Restore database backup over the network

Eliminate and reduce overlapping date ranges

Is it possible to use SqlGeography with Linq to Sql?

Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code?

SQL injection: isn't replace("'", "''") good enough?

Are primary keys passé?