SQL injection: isn't replace("'", "''") good enough?

Solution 1:

No, it is not enough. It will do in a pinch, but it is a very weak alternative, and using parameterized queries or parameterized stored procedures is better, if your platform and/or RDBMS support either feature.


OWASP's SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet

...this methodology is frail compared to using parameterized queries. This technique should only be used, with caution, to retrofit legacy code in a cost effective way.

There are more below

SQL injection — but why isn't escape quotes safe anymore?

Sql Injection Myths and Fallacies

SQL Injection after removing all single-quotes and dash-characters

Solution 2:

Yes, .Replace("'", "''") stops SQL injection to the same degree that parameterization does.

There is still double or reflective injection. For example, you can store

'; delete from orders'

in a comment field. If part of the database uses the comment field in dynamic SQL, it might run the delete instead.