New posts in spaces

How to make fullscreen windows appear next to the current space with "...rearrange spaces based on recent use..." disabled

How do I disable auto swoosh (automatic space switching) in MacOS Sierra?

Is there any way to save the order of spaces in Mission Control?

Does using Spaces slow down the system?

Is there a way to completely disable Spaces in Yosemite?

macOS annoyingly puts fullscreen videos in a new "space"

Cycle through spaces in Mavericks

Cycle through pair of spaces for two screens with one keyboard shortcut

Assign Application Windows to Different Spaces/Desktops

Prevent OS X from changing Spaces after quitting an App?

Echo tab characters in bash script

How to run an EXE file in PowerShell with parameters with spaces and quotes

How can I make applications on OSX open new windows in the same space when opening a file from Finder?

Can we disable the drag window to top of screen Mission Control / Spaces feature in El Capitan?

Why do full-screen applications change their order in Mission Control?

Is it possible to reorder spaces in Lion?

Restore app windows to their original Spaces

Keyboard shortcuts for switching Spaces?

How can I stop spaces from switching automatically?

how to make each display a separate space, yet have a keyboard shortcut to move both screens at the same time?