New posts in software-rec

Free visual similarity image for a local hard drive search? [closed]

Restrict programs from accessing the Internet

Mac VNC client (for controlling Mac Mini remotely)?

Visio alternatives [closed]

Camtasia replacement for the Mac [closed]

Bit-for-bit copy of hard drive in Windows? [duplicate]

How to burn 6.6GB of DVD content on a standard 4.3GB DVD in macOS? [closed]

What is the closest thing to Windows notepad on the Mac? [closed]

How to wipe a USB hard drive

How to play multiple videos side-by-side synchronized?

Tool to change file modified date with a tool which works inside File Explorer? [closed]

How to highlight and collect highlighted text from webpages in Chrome?

Downloading a HTTPS website and all of its contents for offline viewing in Chrome and IE9?

Freeware Uninstaller Software [duplicate]

Freeware tool to crack excel password [duplicate]

Converting from EPS to SVG format [closed]

How can I use my small SSD as a cache for a larger hard disk?

How can I control two computers with the same keyboard and mouse?

How to view a PDF with more than 2 pages side by side?

Free remote desktop app good for working with someone computer illiterate? [duplicate]