How to view a PDF with more than 2 pages side by side?

Solution 1:

Use Wrapped Scrolling option in Mozilla Firefox's built-in PDF viewer.

example with ">>" menu open

  1. Open your PDF file in Mozilla Firefox browser.
  2. On PDF document toolbar (above the document view) open menu >>. See the screenshot.
  3. Select Wrapped Scrolling menu item.
  4. Zoom your document out to see as many pages as it fits into width of the view.

Solution 2:

Use Horizontal Scrolling option in default Firefox browser PDF viewer PDF.js

PDF.js is also available as a plugin for other browsers.

Example with ">>" menu open

  1. Open your PDF file in Mozilla Firefox browser
  2. On the PDF document toolbar (top right above the document view) click on >>
  3. Select Horizontal Scrolling

miroxlav already pointed to the use of PDF.js but I think that horizontal scrolling is a more appropriate answer because the question asked about side by side views.

Solution 3:

Two ways to work-around the issue:

  • Print the PDF document to a PDF file with multi-page layout per sheet. (This worked well on my monitor, giving a readable view of 8 pages at a time.)

Print to PDF - multi-page layout

  • Start a second instance of the Adobe viewer, or, if that's not possible, use the installed PDF viewer and also a third-party reader. Of course, that means trying to sync reading in both, but on the other hand, it allows comparison of different sections within the same document or of multiple docs.