Downloading a HTTPS website and all of its contents for offline viewing in Chrome and IE9?

Wget does indeed have a lot of options, but I find the -m option is very suitable to grab the data from a single site.

 wget -m

  • PC Magazine has a utility called SiteSnagger (figure 1) that provides an easy-to-use GUI program that lets you download a site. It has various options (figure 2) that let you control what and how much to download. I used it numerous times to mirror/leech interesting sites back in the day—ah, those halcyon days when websites were simple :-).

    They started charging for their utilities a few years ago, but they were free for years, so it’s quite available.

    Figure 1: SiteSnagger main interface

    enter image description here

    Figure 2: SiteSnagger options dialog

    enter image description here

  • You can also use HTTrack. It has even more options to specify exactly what you want to retreive and definitely works in Windows 7.

    Figure 3: HTTrack main interface

    enter image description here

    Figure 4: HTTrack options dialog

    enter image description here

You can use HTTrack to download an entire site to a local folder for offline viewing.