Is there a way to read the data behind this interactive map?

I'm looking at an interactive map that allows me to set a filter (button "Select Markets") and then places dots on the map which give summary data when I hover the mouse over a dot or detailed information when I click on one. I would like to access the data behind this map.

In Firefox, I pressed F12, clicked on "Inspector", and drilled down to body > article > div > div > div > div > div class="map". In there, I find a whole lot of data that appear to relate to mouse actions, but I don't find any of the data that are displayed when performing those actions. Is there a way to access the data?

Solution 1:

The data is in a file data.json. Data format:

"name": "NASDAQ OMX BX (BEX)",
"country": "US",
"instruments": [

There are many levels to that web site, so I'd expect multiple JSON files. You just have to know where to look.