New posts in software-installation

How do I install upstart?

Cant install , update or remove without getting this problem!

Desktop file didnt specify exec field

Where I find mimeapps.list?

How do you use ubuntu-drivers-common or software-properties in the command line to change graphics drivers?

Error Installing R on Ubuntu 18 Broken Packages

"Dependency is not satisfiable" error when trying to install an application

How I install drRacket?

How to install Resynthesizer Plugin in GIMP snap?

Installing VS Code on Ubuntu 20.04 with auto updates

Unable to download signal-desktop on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Please help!

How do I install a specific Focal version like 245.4-4ubuntu3.10?

How to install again Update Manager after uninstalling it

Why apt-get does not ask permission to continue before installing small packages?

What does the 'sudo -s' command do, and how is it used in this example?

How can I install bitdefender antivirus?

Unable to install icedtea plugin on Utopic Unicorn 14.10

Completely remove package (GIMP), including all settings

install gtkmm-4.0 in ubuntu 20.04

How to use plugins with GIMP 2.10 flatpak?