New posts in snap

Telegram-desktop snap package doesn't run after reboot

Can't remove core18 snap

What is snapcrafters and what does it mean if it is listed as the developer of some apps on Ubuntu Software?

Where did snap install my intellij?

Problem when trying to install multiple apps with snap

How to Install Multiple Snaps Simultaneously?

How to get snap download url

Ubuntu 20.04 there is no ksnip in the list of possible applications [duplicate]

How do I remove all snaps and snapd, preferably with a single command [duplicate]

Removing snap, reinstalling gnome

How can I install Pixelorama on Linux?

GIMP 2.10 Doesn't Have Permission To Access a USB Drive. Why? How to Resolve? (18.04)

How to stop a snap package downloading

MySQL Workbench (snap) shows permission denied error when I import files

How To Install The Adobe Flash Plugin In Firefox (Snap Package)?

How do I access mounted hard drive with a Snap application?

Set MakeMKV installed with snap to see optical drive

Add custom AppArmor rules to snap?

How can I manage and deploy snap packages without using the official Snap store from Canonical?

How do you get past "snap kde-frameworks-5" issue to run Okular?