Problem when trying to install multiple apps with snap

I reproduce minimally on snap 2.50.1 Ubuntu 21.04 as follows:

sudo snap set system experimental.parallel-instances=true
sudo snap install hello-world hello-world_foo

works for the initial installation, but if I re-run:

sudo snap install hello-world hello-world_foo

it outputs:

error: cannot install "hello-world", "hello-world_foo": no install/refresh information results from
       the store

and exits with status 1 which is annoying because I with it were idempotent by default while developing and re-running my setup scripts.

The initial snap set is needed otherwise the first command also fails as mentioned at: Howto Install Multiple Snaps Simultaneously?

This problem only happens if I run the command with two or more pre-installed packages, re-running:

sudo snap install hello-world

fails gracefully with status 0 as desired:

snap "hello-world" is already installed, see 'snap help refresh'

I asked about it on the forum at: