New posts in chef

Setting properties in chef-client.rb

Chef Server Migration

Merging Chef attribute arrays

Is there a streamlined way to export settings from an existing CentOS 5.10 server for local Vagrant provisioning? (Puppet, Chef, shell, or otherwise)

Running `apt-get upgrade` with Chef Solo

How to create an EC2 instance with knife?

Using Chef Solo to provision a Windows EC2 instance and bootstrap it

Can't resolve chef external cookbook dependency in local mode

How do I remove a package with Chef? [closed]

Chef: import definitions from other cookbooks

How can I manage and deploy snap packages without using the official Snap store from Canonical?

How to configure knife and EC2 to create a new instance from the command line?

Chef 'notifies' fails to restart or reload services

In Chef, how do I access attributes set in the environment JSON from cookbook attributes files?

Why can't “knife data bag from file” find existing json file on chef server?

Out-of-order chef recipes causing apt package install to fail

Running "sudo chef-client" does not update with latest version of cookbook

What are the pros/cons of running Chef/Puppet at regular intervals?

What configuration management solutions exist in a non-networked environment?

Return from Chef recipe without rising an exception