How to create an EC2 instance with knife?
I was able to make knife access AWS by following:
Now, I get a knife command almost working:
$ knife ec2 server create -r "role[base]" -I ami-c1aaabb5 -f t1.micro -S knife -i ~/.ssh/knife.pem --ssh-user ubuntu --region eu-west-1 -Z eu-west-1a
Instance ID: i-xxxxxx Flavor: m1.small Image: ami-399ca94d Region: eu-west-1 Availability Zone: eu-west-1a Security Groups: default Tags: {"Name"=>"i-xxxxxx"} SSH Key: knife Waiting for server............................ Public DNS Name: Public IP Address: yy.yy.yy.yy Private DNS Name: Private IP Address: zz.zz.zz.zz Waiting for sshd...................................
But now I get a timeout. Any ideas/suggestions how to create an EC2 instance ready for Chef provisioning?
My guess would be that your default security group is not allowing SSH traffic.