New posts in slang

Usage of the noun "aesthetic" to refer to a set of artistic principles and motifs

A word whose suffix is the prefix for another word, so you can combine them?

"Kvell" word usage

A vague definition in a dictionary, "shag:a sexual partner of a specified ability". Is there any better or plainer explanation?

What does canonical mean when used in sentence?

Is there a pejorative word for "poor" that can be used in a self-deprecating way?

What does the colloquial "b" mean? Is it a gangland expression?

What's the origin of this vulgar internet slang term?

Stage or studio furniture

Slang words for body parts [closed]

In the UK - what does "cheeky half" mean?

Indirect, quoted speech: He's all

Meaning of "the seventies are calling"

What are the constraints on replacements of the phrase "Holy S—t"? [closed]

“I gotta go” or “I've gotta go” [closed]

Old, experienced soldier in US slang

Orwell: "A glimmer [is] one who watches vacant motor-cars." What does this mean?

What is the origin of the expression "brassed off"?

Is it "D.J., "DJ" or "deejay"?

Etymology of 'vape'