New posts in shared-ptr

NULL pointer with boost::shared_ptr?

std::shared_ptr thread safety

Should I use shared_ptr or unique_ptr

getting a normal ptr from shared_ptr?

shared_from_this causing bad_weak_ptr

The cost of passing by shared_ptr

Alternatives of static_pointer_cast for unique_ptr

How to release pointer from boost::shared_ptr?

std::shared_ptr initialization: make_shared<Foo>() vs shared_ptr<T>(new Foo) [duplicate]

Why can't a weak_ptr be constructed from a unique_ptr?

Should I switch from using boost::shared_ptr to std::shared_ptr?

convert const std::shared_ptr<const T> into boost::shared_ptr<T>

static_cast with boost::shared_ptr?

Why does unique_ptr take two template parameters when shared_ptr only takes one?

How does one downcast a std::shared_ptr?

C++11 When clearing shared_ptr, should I use reset or set to nullptr?

What is the difference between an empty and a null std::shared_ptr in C++?

Example to use shared_ptr?

shared_ptr and weak_ptr differences

Passing shared pointers as arguments