How to release pointer from boost::shared_ptr?

Solution 1:

Don't. Boost's FAQ entry:

Q. Why doesn't shared_ptr provide a release() function?

A. shared_ptr cannot give away ownership unless it's unique() because the other copy will still destroy the object.


shared_ptr<int> a(new int);
shared_ptr<int> b(a); // a.use_count() == b.use_count() == 2

int * p = a.release();

// Who owns p now? b will still call delete on it in its destructor.

Furthermore, the pointer returned by release() would be difficult to deallocate reliably, as the source shared_ptr could have been created with a custom deleter.

So, this would be safe in case it's the only shared_ptr instance pointing to your object (when unique() returns true) and the object doesn't require a special deleter. I'd still question your design, if you used such a .release() function.

Solution 2:

You could use fake deleter. Then pointers will not be deleted actually.

struct NullDeleter {template<typename T> void operator()(T*) {} };

// pp of type some_t defined somewhere
boost::shared_ptr<some_t> x(pp, NullDeleter() );

Solution 3:

Kids, don't do this at home:

// set smarty to point to nothing
// returns old(smarty.get())
// caller is responsible for the returned pointer (careful)
template <typename T>
T* release (shared_ptr<T>& smarty) {
    // sanity check:
    assert (smarty.unique());
    // only one owner (please don't play games with weak_ptr in another thread)
    // would want to check the total count (shared+weak) here

    // save the pointer:
    T *raw = &*smarty;
    // at this point smarty owns raw, can't return it

    try {
        // an exception here would be quite unpleasant

        // now smash smarty:
        new (&smarty) shared_ptr<T> ();
        // REALLY: don't do it!
        // the behaviour is not defined!
        // in practice: at least a memory leak!
    } catch (...) {
        // there is no shared_ptr<T> in smarty zombie now
        // can't fix it at this point:
        // the only fix would be to retry, and it would probably throw again
        // sorry, can't do anything
        abort ();
    // smarty is a fresh shared_ptr<T> that doesn't own raw

    // at this point, nobody owns raw, can return it
    return raw;

Now, is there a way to check if total count of owners for the ref count is > 1?

Solution 4:

You need to use a deleter that you can request not to delete the underlying pointer.

See this answer (which has been marked as a duplicate of this question) for more information.

Solution 5:

To let the pointer point to nothing again, you can call shared_ptr::reset().

However, this will delete the object pointed to when your pointer is the last reference to the object. This, however, is exactly the desired behaviour of the smart pointer in the first place.

If you just want a reference that does not hold the object alive, you can create a boost::weak_ptr (see boost documentation). A weak_ptr holds a reference to the object but does not add to the reference count, so the object gets deleted when only weak references exist.