SQL Use alias in Where statement

I wounder how I could use an alias in a where statement.

Example :

SELECT SUBSTRING(Column1, 1, 4) + SUBSTRING(Column1, 4, 3)  AS Col1
FROM MyTable
WHERE Col1 = 'MySearch'

I use MSSQL 2005

Solution 1:

You can use "having" instead of "where".

    SUBSTRING(Column1, 1, 4) + SUBSTRING(Column1, 4, 3)  AS Col1
    Col1 = 'MySearch'

Having do a "where" after execution of the query. Be careful to use it in the right conditions to have no performance problem.

Solution 2:

Not possible, but you can do the following:

SELECT SUBSTRING(Column1, 1, 4) + SUBSTRING(Column1, 4, 3)  AS Col1
FROM MyTable
WHERE SUBSTRING(Column1, 1, 4) + SUBSTRING(Column1, 4, 3) = 'MySearch'

No subqueries or hacks required