New posts in settings

Resize the window control buttons (close, restore, maximize)

Desktop settings (background and applets) disappear in Kubuntu 20.1

Is it possible to set vm.overcommit_memory =1 only for specific containers?

Stop default Autocomplete behavior when hitting spacebar in Visual Studio 2015

How do I turn off auto capitalization in macOS El Capitan?

How can I actually change my "Power Management" settings?

Is there a way to get Auto-Brightness back on my iPhone X?

iOS 11 mail - manual fetch gone?

Software and Updates option is not in System Settings in Ubuntu18.04

Set default locale on linux server

How to turn on Dark Mode in Pages

Storing vim settings with a document

Different free storage space reported in the Files app and in Settings → iPad Storage

Are macOS Spotlight privacy settings shared between parallel installs?

Conkeror as default browser on Mac OS 10.6

IntelliJ IDEA can't setup JDK

Lion: Dock settings revert after logging out or restarting

How do you start-up in the login screen with Num Lock on? [duplicate]

Easy way to toggle some settings on iPhone

Setting for iOS device type (Jailbreak)