How do you start-up in the login screen with Num Lock on? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How to enable numlock at boot time for login screen?

I use numbers in my password and would therefore like to start Ubuntu with Num-Lock enabled. This would also be handy in a terminal window, that is Ctrl+Alt+F1.

Many (most?) systems have a BIOS setting for this. This can be set in the BIOS and will apply to all OSes installed on the system.

You will need to consult your system documentation or your system vendor for information about how to enter the BIOS and what the setting is named. (Though often pressing one of F1, F2, F10, or F12 during boot will access the BIOS settings where you can look for something like "startup numlock behavior" or similar.)

I think the correct place to set this is


Line 65-66 look like this

#Turn on numlock by default

Uncomment line 66 to look like this

#Turn on numlock by default

EDIT: Having looked into this further you can enable numlock at the GDM level (if you wish) by installing numlockx like this

sudo apt-get install numlockx

and setting the configuration in /etc/gdm/Init/Default like this

if [ -x /usr/bin/numlockx ]; then
      /usr/bin/numlockx on

There is also this blog post that might be useful

You can alter the numlock state with setleds command. The setleds manual lists an example how to alter TTY states so that numlock is on by default:

        for tty in $INITTY; do
             setleds -D +num < $tty

You can put that in /etc/rc.local and it is set during the startup of your workstation.

For GDM you can follow the guide here: